Feminism this term refers to comprise number of social, cultural and political movements and moral philosophies concerned with gender inequalities, and equal rights for women। History of the feminism is not that much ancient even in the perspective of world history। The social movement for gender equality was started from later nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, another successful movement was started from 1960s and 1970s led former prime minister of India Indira Gandhi first ever female PM of the world. And another extends from the 1990s to the present, where women are mostly successful in their movement.
Considering feminism history of world we easily find feminism history of Bangladesh is latest. But it was lead by one of the greatest female of Bangladesh; Begum Rokeya Shakhwat Hossain started the movement before liberation war with the inspiration of his husband Shakhwat Hossain. As Bangladesh is considered as Muslim country, showing the limitation of religion male tried to bind restriction on women. They had no easy access to outer side of the house, they were discourage in education even they didn't get proper respect from family. Begum Rokeya frist took attempt to break the tradition, she was successful to understand society that female education is must for betterment of the society and wrote a number of books for women, that was first social movement of female to increase education rate of female, which was started later 50s. After period of time a number of women also started to join the movement. Sufia Kamal, Zahanra Imam was some popular name in the movement. Even in the language movement in 1952 there was huge contribution of female students, especially Eden Women College and Dhaka University female students also took part in the procession.
In Bangladesh Liberation war there was huge contribution of women they even took part in the war.
After liberation war female also started feminism to get their respect in every part of the society. Politically and socially they started a huge procession in getting gender equality. First achievement of female could be consider in 1990, when BNP lead by Begum Khaleda Zia, a popular female politician of the country won National election and Khaleda was appointed as first ever female PM of the country. During her period BNP tried to introduce a number of new laws for female, reserve seats in the Parliament to increase education rate of female, secondary and higher secondary level female education was free of cost even they got some bonus in every month too. Later on both Hasina and Khaleda tried to continue the movement. But there was huge demand from women to get equal property from father; at last this care-taker government takes some initiative to implement the law.
But still there are some limitations, still female are facing inequality in various sector of the society. who knows once upon a time the situation definitely will increase.
1 comment:
A very good post
Actually the cause of women's rights is very ancient! Not only from the ancient Greeks (read Lysistrata) but also the Prophet (PBUH) was clearly concerned with advancement of women in the old Arab societies which considered women as lower than cattle, he required that they be educated and receive inheritance. Also his own wife was an educated business woman and his daughter led a battle.
Khaleda and Hasina worked to increase representation, although it can be argued that quotas do not help as much as hinder. But certainly the emphasis on primary education for females has gone a long way in the country. Also the work of NGOs in health education cannot be underestimated.
Funny that you did not mention Grameen bank. In the outside world, this gets a lot of press but here I believe there is skepticism about whether it has truly helped women's lives.
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