'Representation' term is widely using in the society from ancient time। If we put our concentration on invention of language, we will find concrete idea on representation. To develop a communication between each other, earlier people used different sort of signs and symbols, to share his inner idea, that was first step of developing language. Later on people start to use different words or sounds, where every word represents particular meaning. In every communication process when we will say it success, when communicator and commune will understand the meaning of particular word.
If we try to define the term 'representation' in literally meaning than, representation refers to look like or to resemble something, to stand something or to present something second time. To clarify the fact, Say Zainul Abedin greatest artist of Bangladesh drew famine of Bangladesh after liberation war. The painting shows that how pathetic scenario was than, later on some other painters tried to copy the painting that means, second paintings representing first one.
In political context, we can get a clear concept of term representation. There are various political parties in a democratic country; every political party consists of their own thoughts, ideas, belief and motivation for country. That means name of particular political party refers to combination of that thoughts and beliefs. In the shorter version would be 'sign' of political party. There are two biggest political parties in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and Awamilegue (AL). First one create their constitution on right politics and second one on right hand politics. Before election, every political party gives their own ambition after getting pass in the election. Based on that public vote or not, later on that elected political person represent the public of particular area in the parliament.
How a nation or country is, represent to other part of the world. Definitely, every nation has their own identity with their own culture and heritage, as well language and their belief and attitude. For Bangladeshi nation, as a part firstly we love to represent us, hospitable, hard working, self respect with each other, simply satisfies with simple things, patriot, emotion, nature loving, natural beauty, though poor but happy with simple life, there are a number of minority groups but no clash among each other. All this together represent the Bengali nation. Rich culture and heritage, pride history, ancient achievements and other facts, combined make prosper as a nation in the World context.
1 comment:
This was a fantastic post, very well thought-out and applied to your own perception of Bangladesh and Bangladeshi representation.
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