The movie opens, the government trying to pass a bill of legislation. The opposite political party lead by congressional representative tried to stop it. As it is the question of image of the leading political party, the government owned NSA agent took decision to kill the person. Near by a lake, two NSA agents kill; a research man recorded the whole incident in a video camera.
That video tape than become the central character of the film. NSA agent killed the research man, but fortunately, he passed it to a labor lawyer, who was not even informed about the incident. In the mean time, the lawyer just come a shopping place after completing a mafia leader. Who threaten him to back the video tape with in week other wise they will kill him. Than a new thriller, come from two part, one is government agent, another is the Mafia. Both party started to find the tape showing various thrilling fighting. Here most important fact was the lawyers even do not know that he is holding a video tape, which is the only evidence, of the killer.
New technology and media, how desperately can hamper the personal life of a particular person, viewers saw that. NSA agent set plant of tracking in every personal things of the lawyer. They started to create a climax in the family, by showing in the media that, the lawyer had another relationship with a woman, NSA agent killed that woman too. He lost his credit cards, brief case by enemy and every step he found some one following him. He was fired from his law firm causing involve with mafia and thrown out from house by his wife. In the mean time one intermediary came, with his helping hand. This person helped him to recover from tracking of NSA agent and request him to back to a reliable person, but the attempted was failed cause of inexperience. With the help of FBI at last, lawyer get relieved from court and got his family back.